Hello! I'm Gautam Lakum. I'm a Webflow Designer.
This is where I play with Webflow and create some useful samples.

Webflow Playground

Webflow samples

Webflow - Fetch data from external API

Fetch data from external API

Use Javascript custom code to fetch data from external API to a Webflow page.

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Webflow - Fixed sidebar navigation

Fixed sidebar navigation

It's a demo of a basic sidebar navigation that's fixed on the left side of the page.

View demo
Webflow - Sticky section on scroll

Sticky section

It's a demo of a section with sticky position.

View demo
Webflow - Mega dropdown menu

Mega dropdown menu

Create a mega dropdown menu that can contain lots of options in it.

View demo
Webflow - Mobile app screenshots slider without custom code

Mobile app screenshots slider without custom code

Create a slider to present mobile app screens without a line of code.

View demo
More Webflow samples to come here...